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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Character Bio's Coming Soon

I have been struggling with ideas of what to put on this blog to make it a little less boring. I don't do reviews, (although I guess I could from time to time). However, that is not what I really intended this site for. So, after doing some thinking of what I would want to see on here if I were a visitor, I realized I was missing a huge piece of information. Character bio's, and story information.

It's not so much that I will be writing a book about the book, but instead, I will be releasing bits of information about the characters, their backgrounds, and what it is that makes them who they are. Along with that, I want to give some more information about the story without giving the story away. Lastly, I will be adding geographical bio's and artwork.

I feel this would be a good insight into the actual story for readers, instead of just reading what I am doing all the time. So stay tuned, and don't forget to follow this blog by clicking the follow button over towards the top right of the page, then you will be the first to know when something new and interesting comes along.

I hope everyone enjoyed the cover design for chapter 2, I had a lot of fun making it. It took a little while because I typically do not do color work like that. It was not the first time I have done it, but I am by no means a "pro" at it. I was, however, pleased with the end result.

Oh, also, I think I am going to be changing the look of this site a little bit as well. Nothing drastic, but some better quality banners and buttons and such. It's high time I start taking this more serious.

Thanks for reading guys and girls, I'll talk you all soon.

P.S. If you would like to help me get the word out about my story and what's going on here, please share some links on facebook and twitter, tell your friends. I feel I'm ready to start building an audience that I have an ability to keep, so I need to ask those of you who were with me from the start for a little help. Thanks again :).