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Friday, March 25, 2011

New Image

I have given the story it's very own title with it's very own look. This will now be the "brand" image, and will be on each cover, I will also be putting it on t-shirts, mousepads, and all that good stuff (if anyone ever really really wanted one lol).

All the inked pages are scanned in and ready for toning so far. But I still have a few pages left to ink, then Chapter 2 will be finished.

The "Buy a comic, I donate 100% thing"

Well, it ran for a few days so far, and it totaled $14. Not bad considering only about 10 people really look at this. Thanks to those of you who participated and bought a copy of The Frozen Prophets.

I am going to keep up with the donations. I work, so I don't need the money as bad as some other people do. So.. I am going to run this for a few more weeks. Tell your friends and all that good stuff.

Also, I just had the money from the sales transfered to my paypal, and once it is verified and sent, I will be posting some screenshots of the money being donated, so you all know :).

Have an awesome weekend guys, I'm going to be busy doing some toning of the first half of chapter two. I think it will be ready in about a week to a week and a half. Also, as it draws nearer, I will be posting a picture of the cover. So stay tuned if you wanna see it!

(Oh, and I'm thinking for Chapter 2, I'm going to find a different cause to donate too, I like the idea of helping others when I can), so leave some comments on here with some good ideas of who we could donate to next. =)