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Saturday, November 27, 2010

A "Journal" Entry?

Stepping back from everything and taking a moment to see what is going on, I have to say how truly excited I am about this project. I don't expect to get rich, I don't expect to make a living (at least not yet), all I really hope for is a loyal fan base that continues to grow as we do.

So for all of you supporting me on this adventure, especially those of you who have to sit and listen to me talk about it when I'm not actually working on it =P. I want to extend a very heart felt Thank You (so heart felt there is some capital letters in it). I honestly may have given up on the who endeavor had it not been for people backing me up. I am by no means a success there are only a few people outside my own personal network that are aware of the project, however, bit by bit people are coming in. I certainly hope they stick around.

Chapter 1 has sub-par illustration and I am aware of that, my fallback for it was that I was working hard on learning to create the manga, using new software, and researching a means of publishing and promoting myself. It has been a long and arduous journey so far, but I believe there is a lot more road to travel down, and I for one am extremely excited.

Chapter 2 I want to give a promise of greatly improved art, better readability, and an overall more enjoyable experience. Then sometime around chapter 4 or 5 we can all sit back and laugh at the difference between the start and current issues.

There is a ton of story yet to come, and I can guarantee that whoever you are you will be able to connect to the characters on a personal level. They are not going to be carbon copies of everything else out there. As far as the story itself goes, it is going to be a mixture of some things you have seen a few times, seen a lot, and hopefully not seen at all. I am doing as much research as possible to ensure I am offering you a unique story with great characters, and an awesome adventure.

So please, spread the word, Chapter 1 will be available in less than a month, and Chapter 2 will be coming shortly after. If you are not sure how to get the word out or not sure where to send people I will post some links over on the right side of this page, The Frozen Prophets has a Facebook fanpage, is on Twitter, here, and my own personal facebook page, along with

And once again, a very HUGE THANK YOU for all my supporters!